Engraved Bricks

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this fundraiser! Find your commemorative brick in the patio next to the side porch to the right of the house.


As a non-profit organization run totally by volunteers, the Society must raise funds each year through membership dues and donations in order to maintain Smith-Cadbury Mansion, our headquarters and unique historic house museum located on High Street. Volunteers at the Society care for the many historical artifacts and documents that tell the stories of our town.

As you might recall, the original brick Pathway to History  was part of an ambitious plan to make Smith-Cadbury Mansion wheelchair and handicapped accessible. The original blueprint was to create a path from the bank parking lot to the side entrance of our building. An ADA compliant restroom was also planned. When the bank no longer agreed to us using space in their parking lot, we attempted to visualize a path at the front entrance. This proved quite difficult design-wise, not to mention prohibitively expensive thereby relegating the entire  plan to the back-burner, as they say. However, we have extensive brickwork paths and patios surrounding our beautiful historic building and we were excited to offer engraved bricks that commemorate a special occasion or a special person and serve as a memento for future generations. The proceeds will help fund videos like the expertly produced film that accompanies our exhibit, Inscribed Quilts: A Portal to Moorestown History, bringing the history happening here at Smith-Cadbury to you wherever you are. Find the video and others at our YouTube Channel!

We at the Society embrace our responsibility as stewards of Smith-Cadbury and all that it holds in trust for the public. We hope you’ll continue to support our mission to provide opportunities for the community to learn about the history of Moorestown and its neighbors. Please renew your membership today, or join us if you’re not a member yet!
